Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes


    Online course for youth workers focusing on professional development in international youth work. The course is free and open to everyone and offers inspiring lectures, animated videos, method demonstrations, practical tasks and development tools.

    The course is open to youth workers worldwide willing to explore the ways for competence-based development. 


    Course modules  

    The course is divided into 7 content modules. The content of the modules has a logical order and therefore is recommended to complete the course going from the first module to the last.


    • Orientation module: Introduction to the course
    • Module 1: A competence-based approach in international youth work
    • Module 2: The ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally
    • Module 3: Tools for competence self-assessment and Youthpass
    • Module 4: Attitudes in youth work
    • Module 5: The process of change
    • Module 6: Ways to develop attitudes and behaviours
    • Module 7: Using the competence model for professional development 
    • Closing module: Learning and Evaluation


    Deadline to register: 14 February 2024.


    Read more here.